A majority of American voters believe the nation has become less united since President Biden took office in January, a new poll released Sunday shows. 

Fifty-four percent of the respondents think the country is less united, while only 37 percent say it is more united, a Fox News poll found.

Unifying the country was a major campaign pledge for Biden during the 2020 presidential election and was the dominant theme of his Inaugural Address. 

“We can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity there is no peace, only bitterness and fury. No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward,” Biden said in the Jan. 20 speech. 

The president is also taking a hit over his compassion and ability to lead. 

Residents hold placards and shout slogans against President Joe Biden.
54 percent of people polled think the country is less united since President Joe Biden took office.Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/AP

The survey found that 47 percent say Biden does not care “about people like you,” a six percentage point increase from last June and October.

The 51 percent who agree that Biden cares fell from 56 percent last October. 

Joe Biden.
Unifying the country was a major campaign pledge for President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election and was the dominant theme of his Inaugural Address.
Al Drago/Getty Images

Asked if Biden is a strong leader, 53 percent say no, while 45 percent say yes. 

Last August, voters tied at 47 percent on the question.

Americans are split on whether Biden has the “mental soundness” to serve as president — with 49 percent saying yes and 48 percent saying no. 

The percentage of people answering yes has changed little since the question was asked in July 2020, but the number of those saying no has increased from 39 percent over the past year. 

A man protests against President Joe Biden during the 20th anniversary of the September 11.
73 percent of those surveyed said the situation in Afghanistan concerned them most.
Carlos Barria/REUTERS

The poll shows that Biden’s disapproval rating is rising — going from 43 percent in April to 49 percent. 

Fifty percent approve of the job Biden is doing. 

The president gets his highest marks in his response to the coronavirus pandemic – 55 approve, 44 percent disapprove.

On the economy, respondents are split — 50 percent approve to 49 percent disapprove.

Joe Biden.
Americans are split on whether President Biden has the “mental soundness” to serve as president, with 49 percent saying yes and 48 percent saying no.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

His ratings on Afghanistan are underwater — 60 percent disapprove and 36 percent approve. 

Asked what concerns them most, 82 percent said inflation and higher prices, 74 percent said the COVID pandemic, 73 percent said the situation in Afghanistan, 72 percent said unemployment, 70 percent said attacks by Islamic and domestic terrorists in the US, 63 percent said climate change, 62 percent said abortion policies, 59 percent said illegal immigration and 50 percent said crime in their neighborhoods. 

The survey polled 1,002 registered voters between Sept. 12-15. It has a plus/minus 3 percentage points margin of error.

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