TUSCON, AZ –– This week’s FDA “approval” of the first COVID shot was done without convening an Advisory Committee, without public comment, and without reporting to the public on safety data from the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). 

In response to this failure by our federal government, the Arizona-based Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is announcing on Thursday, August 26, that it has convened a Citizens Vaccine Safety Review Board, chaired by Dr. Peter McCullough, the Foundation’s Chief Medical Advisor, and Dr. Paul Alexander, the Foundation’s Director of Evidence-based Medicine, both of whom are clinical epidemiologists and international experts, with extensive FA Drug Safety Monitoring experience. The Citizens Vaccine Safety Review Board will analyze US and international data on vaccine deaths, medical complications, and injuries, and then report these findings directly to the public. 

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation said, “The FDA and CDC agencies have abjectly failed the American people, and the world looking to America for guidance. So we, the citizens, will do their job and report directly to the people.” 

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Jane Orient, with Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, will spearhead a panel of health care professionals and patients sharing the raw truth about vaccine-injured, critical ill patients in hospitals. The video press conference will be live-streamed August 26 at 12:00 noon ET, USA, by LifeSiteNews. 

Transparent feedback to the public will be done via open access reports. The CDC VAERS system, intended for this specific purpose, has been proven to be seriously flawed and significantly under-reporting vaccine injuries and deaths. Using accepted CDC methods, experts estimate 5 to 15-fold under-reporting of C-19 Vaccine related deaths in VAERS, and 176-fold greater number of reports of deaths in VAERS compared to flu vaccines. 

New medical risk data and new whistle-blower of urgent significance on vaccine safety, not reported to the public, will be disclosed by Truth for Health Foundation’s medical and scientific advisors, in their duty to warn the public of these risks. The new data demonstrates the urgency to Stop The Shot until safety data can be independently evaluated, and safer alternatives for treatment of COVID pursued. 

Truth for Health Foundation Citizens Vaccine Safety Review Board calls on the people who have received the vaccine to report adverse events directly to them for ongoing independent data analysis by the international experts on the Foundation’s Advisory Council. 

This content was originally published here.

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