Businesswoman bans holidaymakers who have HAD Covid vaccine from her Lottery-funded eco-retreats claiming they pose a ‘health risk’ to other guests and are causing pet deaths

A landlady has banned people who have had the Covid jab from her holiday cottages claiming they are a health risk.

Sharon Girardi, 44, claims people who have been vaccinated are ‘triggering’ miscarriages, swollen testicles and nosebleeds in anyone who has not been jabbed. 

The landlady claims guests will not be covered by her public liability insurance because they are taking part in a ‘clinical trial’. 

She has previously been backed by the Forestry Commission to plant 34,000 native saplings at her Blaeneinion estate in Ceredigion, Wales, and a project to introduce beavers onto Mrs Girardi’s land was given a £5,000 grant from the National Lottery.

Furious locals now claim Ms Girardi is ‘discriminating’ against the 30 million people in the UK who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus.

Up to 30 people can stay at cottages and wood cabins on Ms Girardi’s ‘idyllic and secluded’ 75-acre estate, which has received National Lottery funding.

Sharon Girardi, 44, claims people who have been vaccinated are ‘triggering’ miscarriages, swollen testicles and nosebleeds in anyone who has not been jabbed

She has previously been backed by the Forestry Commission to plant 34,000 native saplings at her Blaeneinion estate in Ceredigion, Wales, and a project to introduce beavers onto Mrs Girardi’s land was given a £5,000 grant from the National Lottery

Furious locals now claim Ms Girardi is ‘discriminating’ against the 30 million people in the UK who are fully vaccinated against Coronavirus

But Mrs Girardi is prepared to close her eco-tourism business rather than welcome anyone who has been vaccinated.

In a Facebook post to her 1,300 followers Mrs Girardi claims people’s pets have died because their owners have been given a Covid 19 vaccine.

She said: ‘With great sadness I have to let you know we will be unable to welcome folk on site that are vaccinated with the experimental CV19 jab.’ 

She added: ‘We feel that the precautionary principle is best adopted until more is known – I have a duty of care to my family.’  

The businesswoman, who funds her environmental projects by growing organic vegetables, said her father-in-law died after being one of the first people in the UK to be vaccinated.

The landlady claims guests will not be covered by her public liability insurance because they are taking part in a ‘clinical trial’

She said: ‘The vaccine rollout should be stopped until we know more. ‘It’s an experiment – if it was any other product it would have been recalled.

‘But I realise my decision to ban people who have been vaccinated has rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way and I may have to consider doing something else with the cottages.’

Locals who have supported Mrs Girardi’s conservation work have backed off over her anti-vax rant.

One neighbour said: ‘She’s done some good things but banning holidaymakers is madness.

‘She is discriminating against people who have done the right thing by having the vaccine to stop the spread of Coronavirus.’

Businesswoman bans holidaymakers who have HAD Covid vaccine from her eco-retreats

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This content was originally published here.

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