An elusive beefalo — a bison, domestic cattle-mix — has been captured after escaping from a western Connecticut slaughterhouse over eight months ago, police said Wednesday.

The beefalo, nicknamed “Buddy,” was finally caught by a Plymouth farmer after wandering onto the land to mingle with the cows, Plymouth police Capt. Edward Benecchi told The Hartford Courant.

Buddy escaped death on Aug. 3, running away from his handlers while being loaded off a truck at a meat processing business in the town.

The animal gained social media fame during his time on the lam, with several accounts being created in his name. Buddy was once spotted on a wildlife camera set up by police.

“His capture was the result of a community effort from spotting him, feeding him throughout the winter and to the experts who were able to make the final capture,” Plymouth police said in the Wednesday Facebook post.

With the help of community donations, Buddy will continue living.

The beefalo, nicknamed “Buddy,” was finally caught by a Plymouth farmer after wandering onto the land to mingle with the cows.
The beefalo, nicknamed “Buddy,” was finally caught by a Plymouth farmer after wandering onto the land to mingle with the cows.
Plymouth Police Department

He’s heading up to Massachusetts for a full veterinary exam before settling down at Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary in Gainesville, Florida, police said.

“Without everyone’s donations this would not be possible,” the department said in its Facebook post. “Thank you for all your continued support and we wish Buddy safe travels and a happy life.”

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