Louisiana lawmaker criticizes Democrats’ coronavirus bill as ‘spending porn’ on ‘Fox News Primetime’

Sen. Ron Johnson, R- Wis., said in an interview Wednesday that he plans on delaying the vote on President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill by requesting that Senate clerks read what he called a 600-700 page “Democratic boondoggle.”

The National Review reported that Johnson made his remarks on a local station in his home state, News/Talk 1130. The report said that Johnson wants every senator to know what exactly is in the bill. The tactic will likely delay the vote by about 10 hours.

“This $1.9 trillion bill is the same size of the bill we passed last April, right in the middle of the pandemic,” McConnell told host Martha MacCallum. “This is not the same country we had one year ago. Only 9% of this $1.9 trillion is related to health care, and less than 1% of this $1.9T bill is related to vaccines.”

The battle is also emerging as an early test of Biden’s ability to hold together his party’s fragile congressional majorities — just 10 votes in the House and an evenly divided 50-50 Senate. 

Fox News’ Charlie Creitz and the Associated Press contributed to this report

This content was originally published here.

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