While there is still much to learn about COVID-19, researchers at Georgia State University have studied why symptoms widely vary with those infected with the virus. Lead researcher Dr. Mukesh Kumar, an associate professor in the Department of Biology, said they’ve learned through studying mice for months, COVID-19 may clear the lungs, but not necessarily the body.
Kumar mentioned a large percentage of people who recover do have some sort of brain dysfunction. Researchers agree our organs are well equipped to fight the infection, but once it reaches the brain, Dr. Kumar stated, “even if you test negative, that does not necessarily mean that you have completely cleared the virus.”
When the virus reaches the brain it can cause low level inflammation and even make people more susceptible to brain diseases like auto-immune disease and Parkinson’s. Kumar emphasized how crucial it is to wear a mask and cover your nose to protect from having the virus enter there and go directly into your brain. GSU researchers say there is plenty of work ahead of them since there’s still a lot to learn about coronavirus.
This content was originally published here.